Thursday, April 01, 2010



The illustrious leader of the Curlew Syndicate celebrated half a decade of wreaking havoc and terrifying her minions earlier last month. The above photo is particularly telling, since she is not really showing me her age but the number of bodies she needed me to load in my truck for a "wide into the bay". It's an awful job, but so cute the way she says "wide" instead of ride. It's actually more of a drop from a low bridge, but she loves all the splashing.

This next shot is also very cute, but also deceptive. This is Flags the tiger, who she won at one of those carnival games that she is just uncannily good at! We are currently banned from the Texas State Fair, Oysterfest, Shrimporee and a few other events due to her propensity for being able to dominate their shenanigans. Anyway, it looks like she is loving on that tiger, but she has actually just finished gutting it with her jewel encrusted Hannah Montana boxcutter, that fountain is filled with that cotton filler, and she is getting ready to say, "Daddy, we can get about 4 kiwos of meff in this sumbitch!" She loves to drive down to Mexico, that one.

Adios, we're off to Progreso! Adios is what she says when we throw things from bridges.

In other sad news, the San Antonio Zoo no longer has a grizzly bear. Her majesty took offense to my comments about this particular photo, and took matters into her own vice-like, steely little claws. "That bear is stupid!" Not anymore, sadly, not anymore...

R.I.P. Sunshine 1998-2010 (Sunshine is the bear.)

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