Friday, May 08, 2009


In Training

I know a few of you out there already know about K's prowess on the "Louisiana" (the only state I can legally mention) cockfighting circuit. La Chica Blanca, as she is known by the other chicken aficionados, has had a streak that is unrivaled in the somewhat spotty history of this passionate bloodsport. She attributes this to her affinity for metallic spray paint, and Fay's homemade "pwoduct" which allows her to stay awake for entire weekends driving the backroads from bayou to bayou. She doesn't take too kindly to having her picture posted, but here she is after returning from her trip that netted her 4,000th consecutive match "in the money" with her prize rooster "Timothy Rojo".

Believe me, you'd be dancing too if you had $11, 000 worth of chicken money in your pocket, and also had been huffing paint and meth for 4 days.

Anyway, let me get to the training part. We have an aspiring little entrepeneur at our house that you have read about before. Once she saw that 11 grand she said, "Mommy, I need to get me some goddam chickens!" And so it began..

As you probably know, you can't just start out at the chicken fights, you have to pay your dues. Luckily for Fay, she can pay most of her dues in "meff". But, that didn't stop K from making her pay some other dues.

Here she is cleaning the stoop at Doce Dos, and as you can tell she is none too happy about it! If you look really closely you can see her lime green razor tucked into her right shoe. So cute, just like Mama!

K also makes her clean up after Timothy inside the house. Mr. Rojo is allowed free reign at Doce Dos, and in my opinion, is not the greatest of house pets. Thus all the mopping.

But after a few days of this, and more than a few special "gifts" for Mama, Fay was prepared to hit the circuit last weekend. She dressed up real nice, so that she would "fit in, but still stand out". K says that is crucial to staying alive on the circuit. That, and her bejeweled Hannah Montana boxcutter.

Everybody has to have a few drinks before the fiesta begins, and Fay is no different. She just doesn't like to waste a lot of time getting refills.

All I can tell you about last weekend, without getting myself a second smile, is that the ladies were VERY successful and plan to do these mother/daughter things at least once a month. Except for February, since that is when the beach is vacant and a lot of "wab" work has to be done!

(Fay doesn't like all that squawking.)

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